Impact of Livestock
programme on livestock development looks at value- based
development in every community.
There is a reduction in the number of families that migrate to
areas outside their village in search of wage work after the
agricultural season. The beneficiary families have a greater
degree of self-reliance since they will be solely dependent on
their own land and skills for their livelihood. There is greater
enthusiasm about the community keeping livestock as a
receive repeated trainings that would increase levels of
awareness and also lead to higher self-esteem. Moreover, since
they are organized into institutions like SHGs, there is a sense
of belonging to a collective.
Mutual Help
Cornerstone training and the process of Passing on the gifts has
increased the feeling of social responsibility of each family.
The twelve cornerstones help the beneficiary families to develop
a new value system that has led to an attitudinal change on the
individual, the family as well as the entire community.
Trainings on Improved Animal Management and repeated
technical education on the same has led to improved practices of
animal Management in the area. A team of bare-foot veterinary
doctors in the area has been trained to improve the quality and
accessibility of veterinary services in the area.